Christy Benoit, Business Execution Specialist (BES) at Results provided us with some insight into one of the trends she has been seeing recently within organizations.
Trend: Several of my CEO’s have done an excellent job of creating strong leadership teams around them, resulting in them feeling a bit redundant, questioning how they themselves can continue to provide value, and in some cases even struggling with imposter syndrome.
Advice: Remember that every team of superstars needs a strong captain. That there is always a need to keep the team focused and aligned on a strongly held vision. Celebrate that in finding others who complement your weaker areas, you are freed up to do more of what you’re exceptional at. At this stage, the question becomes, what does my team MOST need from me? What better way to find that out than to be courageous enough to ask for candid feedback on your performance as a leader? Ask them to share “pros and grows” – what are you currently doing that they need you to continue or do more of? What would they like to see you do better at or more of?
This stage in leadership is a great opportunity for a leader to work with an executive coach to support them in taking their game to the next level. I find it curious that many of the best organizations these days have clarified their Core Purpose (WHY they exist), their Core Values (what they stand for) and their Strengths (what they leverage for success)…yet many of our leaders have not done so personally. The consciousness of an organization cannot exceed that of its leaders – we have a responsibility to invest in our own personal growth to ensure we’re not creating unnecessary ceilings for the potential of our businesses and their people.
Christy Benoit, Business Execution Specialist
Results Canada Inc.
Christy Benoit is a Business Execution Specialist (BES), Results Canada Inc. Through her role as a Business Execution Specialist with Results Canada, Christy provides coaching, training and advisory to senior leaders and their teams as they strive to build successful and sustainable businesses. Her work with her clients focuses on the 5 pillars of: Vision, Strategy, Best People Practices, Systems and Processes, and Leadership Development.