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Developing Effective Leadership Decision-Making Skills

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We make countless decisions every day. And at work, effective decision-making is one of the key strengths of a leader that must be developed. Sound decisions drive better company performance and results.

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As a leader, you're paid to make the tough choices. It can be stressful, though, if you're unsure of what to do. You might be jumping to conclusions. Your brain might get fogged up, resulting in wrong judgment. 

Making high stakes decisions can be stressful. In fact, studies show that most leaders today would prefer a robot to do the deciding for them!

The good news is that decision-making is one of the most tested and proven leadership traits out there. Making decisions can be scary, but we can learn the process. 

Let’s look at what effective decision-making is in leadership.

Annie Duke Explains Effective Decision Making

What is the Decision-Making Process?

A sound decision-making process is as structured as it comes. Organizations have long used this process for problem-solving and to make choices effectively.

Here are the steps:

  1. Identify the Problem: Good decisions start with a well-defined problem. Gather information and understand the root cause.

  2. Create Alternatives: Brainstorm potential solutions to the problem. Encourage creativity and explore different options.

  3. Evaluate: There are pros and cons to each alternative. Consider the potential impact of each option.

  4. Decide: It's time to make decisions based on what you have gathered. Choose the option that works best in the situation.

  5. Implement the Decision: Develop an action plan to implement the chosen solution. Here's where you assign roles and allocate resources.

  6. Monitor: Get feedback. Measure the results. Adjust when needed.

Why are Good Leaders Also Great Decision-Makers?

Being a great decision-maker is no longer just nice to have. This is an essential trait in today's modern leadership role. 

Leadership requires establishing our own decision making leadership styles and sharpening our decision-making leadership skills to get through times of uncertainty. Here's why becoming decisive in leadership is a top priority for business leaders everywhere:

Clear Vision

Great decision-makers look at the big picture. A clear vision guides every organization's actions. This vision makes sure that decisions are in line with the organization's overall goals. 

Effective Communication

Communication is key. Leaders who excel in this area make sure everyone is on the same page. When leaders share their expectations clearly, they can create a working environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

Prepared for the Unexpected

When chaos strikes, effective decision-makers don't skip a beat. They're ready to adapt and make smart decisions on the fly. This minimizes the impact of unexpected challenges, seizing opportunities whenever they happen. 

Builds Trust

Trust is crucial in leadership. But this is often hard to come by. Studies show that 25% of workers don't trust their managers. Effective decision-making can change that. 

Leaders build trust and encourage openness and collaboration within their teams when they involve others in the decision-making process.

Key Decision-Making Skills in a Leadership Role

It's no secret that successful leaders make great decisions. But what sets them apart is their ability to turn their leadership qualities into their decision making styles in leadership. These are the key traits that support and enhance good decision-making. 

Critical Thinking

When faced with tough choices, effective leaders don't just go with their gut. They use a critical thinking process to collect data and carefully weigh the options. They evaluate the good and the bad and consider if their choices and policies make sense to their team.

Emotional Intelligence

Decisions are usually not made alone. Good decision-makers listen actively. They understand different perspectives. They ensure clear and direct communication. 


Great decisions sometimes create unique solutions. Effective leaders are open to unusual ideas and leverage diverse teams. Diversity at work brings together people from all backgrounds. New possibilities can then be revealed. This opens new doors that allow for innovation in the workplace. 


The world moves fast. Great leaders and teams must keep up. Decision-makers are flexible and open-minded. They are ready to adjust their plans when the situation changes. They also balance everyone's needs and emotions to help everyone move forward without fear.

Time Sensitivity

Some decisions need to be quick decisions. But this doesn't mean rushing through the process. When leaders manage their time effectively, they can spend the right amount of time evaluating options. 

This skill is often overlooked. Just 37% of employees feel that their company makes reliable and timely decisions. Staying focused and prioritizing tasks helps leaders make high-quality decisions on time.

Tips to Become an Effective Decision-Maker

Effective decision-making is important for success in both your professional and personal life. 

The right decision can make all the difference whether you're leading a team, managing a project, or living day-to-day. Here are some practical tips to help you become a more effective decision-maker.

  • Make sure your decisions are aligned with your overall goals
  • Consider different perspectives, gather useful information, and ask for input from your peers
  • Take into account the short-term and long-term consequences of each option
  • Be confident and commit to a course of action
  • Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth
  • Use feedback from past decisions to make better decisions in the future

With practice and introspection, decision-making can be improved. It takes time to be a good decision-maker, but it pays off. Put these strategies to work and watch your decisions get better.

Unleashing the Potential of Your Organization

Effective leadership decision-making boils down to clarity, communication, adaptability, and trust. With these key elements, leaders can guide their teams through uncertainty with confidence and expertise.

If you'd like to learn more about how to build and create a great vision, or other ways you can take the simpler path to creating a great business, connect with us or consider attending one of our upcoming leadership events.


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Tim O'Connor