One of the reasons strategy fails is that the layer of leaders below the top executive team...
The more I speak to business owners and leaders about strategy, the more confusion and...
There are four ways to drive the growth of your business; Establish your existing brand in new...
Accountability always seems to be near the top of the list as an area of concern for business...
“What’s been your worst day at work?.” I asked. “The day we got held up at gun-point”, she...
John Spence has spent decades helping business owners and managers cut through the clutter to...
How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it has to really want...
The Sergeant who took me under his wing when I was a wet-behind the ears second lieutenant once...
John Spence once again strikes a chord for me when it comes to building successful strategy. If...
Many managers I’ve met think they’re better at communicating than they really are....