Human beings are wired for problem solving. We are trained to quickly find solutions as...
Most employees want to do a good job, be valuable, and have an impact. Yet in many companies...
Champions live in a state of Wonderhell, constantly bouncing between feeling wonderful and being...
At times leading our companies is like walking through a minefield. One wrong step could be...
Recruiting the best talent doesn’t drive performance. Only 40% of a team’s performance is linked to...
Today we overvalue security and comfort. If we stay in our comfort-zones too much, we won’t grow,...
Avoiding all risk is a path to failure. If we never take risks, we stay in a comfort zone and never...
Revenue is the oxygen of any business. Without revenue, any company gasps, chokes, and...
Most first-time managers fail. This is costly for organizations. However, with the right playbook,...
Remaining in the status quo is dangerous for both individuals and organizations. If you don’t drive...